all postcodes in GU51 / FLEET

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU51 4AB 2 2 51.278683 -0.846419
GU51 4AD 2 0 51.278586 -0.847454
GU51 4AE 1 1 51.279456 -0.846216
GU51 4AG 2 0 51.281047 -0.849013
GU51 4AH 10 0 51.281192 -0.848108
GU51 4AJ 3 0 51.281115 -0.851278
GU51 4AN 1 1 51.280542 -0.848784
GU51 4AQ 9 0 51.28123 -0.850186
GU51 4AW 1 1 51.281359 -0.850469
GU51 4BE 26 17 51.281598 -0.841889
GU51 4BF 1 1 51.279584 -0.847316
GU51 4BG 9 0 51.283251 -0.83994
GU51 4BJ 1 1 51.281624 -0.841802
GU51 4BP 1 1 51.279957 -0.845113
GU51 4BQ 6 0 51.279885 -0.844112
GU51 4BS 1 1 51.280549 -0.843077
GU51 4BT 1 1 51.282111 -0.84278
GU51 4BU 10 0 51.278544 -0.845837
GU51 4BX 13 12 51.278656 -0.845416
GU51 4BY 25 13 51.279766 -0.844069